


Guest Book


Before an investigation always research the site you plan to visit. Check the internet for any history on the area. Visit the local library, county records or tax assessors office. You may also wish to contact the local historian. Get as much background as possible.
Visit the area during the day to familiarize yourself and prevent any surprises or injuries. Make sure you have legal access and determine who will operate each piece of equipment.


Always take personal identification for each team member. 35mm camera with at least 400 speed film, digital camera (spare batteries), a flashlight (with spare batteries), first aid kit. Notebooks with pens or pencils to log pertinent information. Be sure to include a watch to log your arrival and departure times. As well as times of events. Video camera and voice recorders with blank (unopened) tapes or digital voice recorders all with (extra batteries). Include an EMF detector if possible. Other items to include, a cellular phone in case of emergency, hand held radios if possible and a compass in place of an EMF recorder if needed, it will measure any disruption in the electronic field. Oh yes, and EXTRA BATTERIES for everything.


First…….always pray for God’s hedge of protection around yourself and your team members (or what ever your religious belief might be), before starting any investigation. Next walk around the area for 15-20 minutes before beginning the hunt to get used to the area and allow the spirits to get used to your being there. Then set up the equipment and log your start time. Be sure to make note of any areas which may cause “false positive” photos such as light sources than can be mistaken for orbs or false readings (breaker/fuse boxes, large appliances etc.) Next open film and tape and load the cameras and recorders. Now you are ready to investigate, take pictures, use the camcorders, recorders and detectors. Make notes of temperature changes, meter readings, strange sounds, smells, and any strange feelings or emotions you have and where you were at the time.


After the investigation, say another prayer and ask that the spirits remain and not follow you home, always ask in the name of God or (whatever higher being you believe in). Now that the investigation is over, make no conclusions or opinions until all reports, tapes and pictures have been reviewed. Discuss any unusual experiences with the rest of the team and schedule a second meeting to go over the physical evidence.

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