Trying To Answer The Question...

"What was that?”

Established on January 26,2007
By Brenda (Sue) Emmons
Friendship, New York



Guest Book

My name is Sue Emmons and I live on 5 acres
that I call my little piece of God’s country, up in the hills in Western New York.
I am the founder of the “Southern Tier Paranormal Research Team.
At the moment I am also the only member.
I started this team a few years ago and then let it go for a while.
I live in a very secluded area
and it’s very hard to find members in a place like this
who are serious about the paranormal. Some are just afraid of it.
But like a lot of things in life a little healthy fear can be good.
Sometimes it scares me too, but I keep searching anyway
because I just need to know what’s out there.
Some people wonder how you can be christian and still believe in the paranormal.
As a Christian I believe in a God I can’t see or touch
but still I have no doubt He’s there.
So why do we wonder if things can occur that we can’t see or explain?
Why do we assume as living, breathing beings that we’re alone here?
I for one take it on faith that when I die I’m gonna go to heaven
but I don’t think that means when I get there I won’t be allowed to come back.
If I have issues that are unsettled here or
loved ones who are having a hard time adjusting,
I’m sure I’m gonna be back at least until things are settled.
That’s just my personal belief and
you can take it to heart or choose to ignore it.
The point is I believe there are others among us that we don’t see.
Sometimes if the circumstances are right we get a glimpse of them,
or they leave us subtle messages and
that’s what this team and this webpage are all about.
Answering the question, “What was that?” or “Did you see what I saw?”.
It’s about exploring and investigating the paranormal and the unexplained.
Join me on my journey to find the truth.

This team will be geared toward helping citizens of surrounding
neighborhoods who have experienced unexplained noises
and occurrances and need help to explain or deal with these problems.
We will investigate the paranormal and try to prove or disprove any activity.
We will use a scientific approach and we will
never charge for any of our services.
If you're interested in the paranormal and are serious about investigating
feel free to email me and I will send you an application.
All applications will be reviewed by me and
I will contact you personally.

I will be adding a story page for experiences and photos
If you have any you would like to submit, please contact me and I will be happy to review them.
Check back regularly for new upgrades and added pages.

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